Ali Abdullah Amer, Hassan I. Abdalla, Loc Nguyen (2021, February 10). Enhancing recommendation systems performance using highly-effective similarity measures
Loc Nguyen (2021, January 26). A general framework of particle swarm optimization
Loc Nguyen (2020, November 9). Conditional Mixture Model for Modeling Attributed Dyadic Data
Loc Nguyen (2020, October 28). Conditional mixture model and its application for regression model
Loc Nguyen, Ali Abdullah Amer (2019, October 17). Advanced Cosine Measures for Collaborative Filtering
Loc Nguyen, Anum Shafiq (2019, January 29). Semi-mixture Regression Model for Incomplete Data
Loc Nguyen, Anum Shafiq (2018, December 31). Mixture Regression Model for Incomplete Data
Loc Nguyen, Thu-Hang T. Ho (2018, December 17). Fetal Weight Estimation in Case of Missing Data
Loc Nguyen, Thu-Hang T. Ho (2018, May 7). Early Fetal Weight Estimation with Expectation Maximization Algorithm
Loc Nguyen (2018, January 17). Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing Report
Loc Nguyen (2017, April 24). A Proposal of Loose Asymmetric Cryptography Algorithm
Loc Nguyen (2017, June 9). Global Optimization with Descending Region Algorithm
Loc Nguyen, Thu-Hang T. Ho (2017, March 13). Experimental Results of Phoebe Framework: Optimal Formulas for Estimating Fetus Weight and Age
Loc Nguyen (2016, October 31). Beta Likelihood Estimation in Learning Bayesian Network Parameter
Loc Nguyen (2016, June 17). Tutorial on Hidden Markov Model
Loc Nguyen (2016, June 17). Tutorial on Support Vector Machine
Loc Nguyen (2016, June 10). Continuous Observation Hidden Markov Model
Loc Nguyen (2016, April 8). New version of CAT algorithm by maximum likelihood estimation
Loc Nguyen (2016, March 28). Theorem of SIGMA-gate Inference in Bayesian Network
Loc Nguyen, Thu-Hang T. Ho (2015, November 23). A proposed method for choice of sample size without pre-defining error
Loc Nguyen, Minh-Phung T. Do (2015, November 13). Hudup: A Framework of E-commercial Recommendation Algorithms
Loc Nguyen (2015, November 13). A New Approach for Collaborative Filtering based on Bayesian Network Inference
Loc Nguyen (2015, September 28). Introduction to A Framework of E-commercial Recommendation Algorithms
Loc Nguyen (2015, January 22). A User Modeling System for Adaptive Learning
Loc Nguyen, Thu-Hang T. Ho (2015, January 12). A fast computational formula for Kappa coefficient
Loc Nguyen (2014, December 6). Evaluating Adaptive Learning Model
Loc Nguyen (2014, May 28). User Model Clustering
Loc Nguyen, Thu-Hang T. Ho (2014, March 30). A framework of fetal age and weight estimation
Loc Nguyen (2013, July 15). Overview of Bayesian Network
Loc Nguyen, Minh-Phung T. Do, Thanh-Nguyen Vu, Nam-Dung Tran (2013, March 20). A New Approach for Collaborative Filtering Based on Mining Frequent Itemsets
Minh-Phung T. Do, Dung V. Nguyen, Loc Nguyen (2010, August 20). Model-based Approach for Collaborative Filtering
Loc Nguyen (2009, September 25). Incorporating Bayesian Inference into Adaptation Rules in AHA architecture
Loc Nguyen, Phung Do (2009, July 16). Evolution of Parameters in Bayesian Overlay Model
Christoph Fröschl, Loc Nguyen (2009, July 16). State of the Art of Adaptive Learning
Loc Nguyen, Phung Do (2009, June 3). Learning Concept Recommendation based on Sequential Pattern Mining
Loc Nguyen, Phung Do (2009). Combination of Bayesian Network and Overlay Model in User Modeling
Christoph Fröschl, Loc Nguyen, Phung Do (2008, November). Learner Model in Adaptive Learning